Welcome to the landing page for this yearly Anthology from SFWG and Cloaked Press; “Depths of Love.”
We’re encouraging all of you to think past just romance, but we won’t ignore a unique romance!
Watch here for more news about the next edition.
Below are the requirements:
- Word Count Range: 2500-8000 words
- Genres accepted: Mystery, Paranormal, Scifi, Fantasy, Horror; and anything in those sub-genres.
- Submissions Open: Closed until further notice
- Deadline: Closed until further notice
We want to see your best work, so make sure you get beta-readers and critique partners to look at it! But you don’t need to hire an editor.
When submitting you must include the following in your query:
- Your name
- Your pen name if you’re writing under a different name
- Your genre (this is mainly for informational and promotional purposes so don’t feel you have to pigeonhole it into a particular subgenre)
- Title of your short story
- A 1-paragraph blurb or 2-sentence pitch of the story
- Your story must be attached in a .doc or .docx form; we will not accept PDF
- Your story must be 12pt, Times New Roman, Double-Spaced
- A short bio about yourself and your writing resume
All submissions will be read by a small group here at Cloaked Press and SFWG. We want to encourage #ownvoices and diverse authors to submit!
Things we do not accept:
- Rape/sexual assault
- Ableism
- Incest
- Erotica-level sex (implied sex is fine; no graphic scenes)
- Animal or child abuse/murder (intentional murder; on screen)
- Non-fiction
- Pure romance with no elements of the genres
- Military without heavy SFF elements
- Covid/Pandemic materials will be rejected
- Slasher/fetishizing of murder
- Homophobia/sexism/racism/transphobia–so on. (if it’s part of a character’s dealings like, the MC is queer/Black/etc it would be different.)
- Faith fic (nothing preachy, this is not our demographic overall)
We will review all submissions on a case-to-case basis.
We look forward to your submissions. A total of 12-15 stories will be accepted into the anthology depending on length. We will respond to every query, even rejections.
What we give you, the author:
Selected authors will be contacted for a long bio that will be listed on that author’s page on this website, as well as a short bio for in the book. Authors chosen for the collection will receive $15.00 US, or an author copy of the book free of charge. Additional copies, if desired, will be made available at a reduced price, plus shipping and handling depending on your location.
Submissions are open to all.
Submissions are CLOSED for this collection at this time.
Thank you, and best of luck!
The SFWG board